Gene silencing company NeuBase Therapeutics to reverse merge its way onto Nasdaq via troubled microcap Ohr

//Gene silencing company NeuBase Therapeutics to reverse merge its way onto Nasdaq via troubled microcap Ohr

Gene silencing company NeuBase Therapeutics to reverse merge its way onto Nasdaq via troubled microcap Ohr

Dietrich Stephan, one of the pioneers in the field of precision medicine, was in process of raising venture funds for his gene-silencing company NeuBase Therapeutics when he was introduced to the team at the struggling eye drug developer Ohr Pharmaceutical $OHRP.

By | 2019-01-17T16:46:37-04:00 January 3rd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Gene silencing company NeuBase Therapeutics to reverse merge its way onto Nasdaq via troubled microcap Ohr

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